By Arenzungla

Sisterhood Network (SN) in partnership with Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) is facilitating a Land Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) at Beisumpuikam Village, Peren district with the objective that Naga women are empowered to advocate changes in the customary law to ensure women land rights.

I had the privilege to attend three training workshops in Thailand, Indonesia and Nepal to implement the Land FPAR with the Beisumpuikam community. The participants are from 11 countries namely Nagaland (India), Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh, Samoa.

The Land FPAR 3rd Regional training workshop was held in Nepal from 2-9 August 2019. The objective of the training was the following:

  • self-reflect on the impact of the FPAR at personal, organizational and community levels in terms of capacity building, building tools and resources, changing laws and policies, and movement building
  • present the evidence and changes resulting from the FPAR process
  • (iii) identify the gaps in the Land FPAR research reports and gain concrete recommendations for the improvement of the research reports
  • enhance understanding in writing FPAR report using the feminist and rights-based perspectives
  • increase knowledge and skills of the participants on advocacy and campaign
  • initiate an evidence based advocacy and campaign plans that will be enhanced with community partners and implemented at the local and national levels and explore possible advocacy initiatives done at regional and international levels among FPAR partners and APWLD.

My experience in attending all the three regional trainings has been enriching and fulfilling. One awesome take away from the 3rd training in Nepal was attending the Indigenous Peoples’ Day rally. It was powerful, moving, energy packed and impactful.